Basic Python Interview Questions - Pythoninhindis

Basic Python Interview Questions

Basic Python Interview Questions

Q1. What is the difference between lists and tuples in Python?

We can conclude that although both lists and tuples (लिस्ट एंड तपलस) are data structures in Python, there are remarkable differences between the two, with the main difference being that lists are mutable while tuples are immutable. A list has a variable size (वेरिएबल साइज़) while a tuple has a fixed size.  Python In Hindi

Q2. What are the key features of Python?

Easy to code, Free and Open Source, Object-Oriented Language, GUI Programming Support, High-Level Language (हाई लेवल लैंग्वेज), Extensible feature. Python In Hindi

Q3. What type of language is python? 

Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming (हाई लेवल लैंग्वेज) language with dynamic semantics. Python In Hindi

Q4.How is Python an interpreted language?

Python is called an interpreted language because it goes through an interpreter, which turns the code (कोड) you write into the language understood by your computer's processor. (पाइथन) Python is an “interpreted” language. Which means it uses an interpreter. An interpreter is very different from the compiler (कम्पाइलर). Python In Hindi

Q5.What is pep 8?

PEP 8, sometimes spelled PEP8 or PEP-8, is a document (डाक्यूमेंट्स) that provides guidelines and best practices on how to write Python code (पाइथन कोड). The primary focus of PEP 8 is to improve the readability and consistency (कंसिस्टेंसी) of Python code. PEP stands for Python Enhancement Proposal (प्रपोजल), and there are several of them. Python In Hindi

Q6. How is memory managed in Python?

The Python memory manager (मेनेजर) manages chunks of memory called “Blocks”. A collection of blocks of the same size makes up the “Pool”. Pools are created on Arenas, chunks of 256kB memory (मेमोरी) allocated on heap=64 pools. If the objects get destroyed, the memory manager (मेनेजर) fills this space with a new object of the same size. Python In Hindi

Q7. What is namespace in Python?

Namespaces in Python. A namespace is a collection (कलेक्शन) of currently defined symbolic names along with information (इनफार्मेशन) about the object that each name references. You can think of a namespace (नेमस्पेस) as a dictionary in which the keys are the object names and the values are the objects (ऑब्जेक्ट्स) themselves. Python In Hindi

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Python in Hindi language: पाइथन हिंदी में 

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